


We believe in creating experiences that ignite your soul and unleash your inner adventurer.

Our Services

We design adventures and experiences.

Our passion lies in organizing, managing, and crafting extraordinary adventures around the world, fueled by motorbikes, SUVs & 4x4s.
We are the gateway to thrilling escapades, exploring destinations like never before – not as tourists, but as true adventurers.

Embark on the Road
Less Traveled

Dust off your compass and get ready to explore uncharted territories. Our team of intrepid explorers curates unique experiences that take you far beyond the ordinary.

Our mission is simple: to introduce you to the world’s most breathtaking landscapes, cultures, and traditions – all from the exhilarating vantage point of a motorbike, SUV, or 4×4

Live the Thrill
of Discovery

We firmly believe that adventure knows no bounds. Every expedition is meticulously designed to create that perfect balance between excitement and awe.

Roar through rugged terrains, traverse winding mountain passes, and conquer untamed wilderness with fellow adrenaline seekers.

Embrace the
Local Perspective

Picture yourself living the life of a local in a foreign land – immersing yourself in their customs, traditions, and ways of life, you’ll experience the heart and soul of each destination as though it were your own.

Our journeys are about much more than just sightseeing; we believe in fostering meaningful connections with the places we visit.

Our next episode

GRab a bike

WIth Us





Starting from Marrakech

May 3, 2024

It’s all about the

At Trailblazers, we are the architects of unforgettable memories. Whether you’re an avid biker seeking the thrill of the open road, an intrepid traveler eager to explore far-flung corners, or a group of friends hungry for a life-changing escapade, we have the perfect adventure for you.

So, are you ready to embrace the spirit of adventure? Say goodbye to the ordinary and join us on a quest to discover the extraordinary. Step into the world of Trailblazers, where every journey is a celebration of the human spirit, and the world becomes your playground.

Begin your adventure today! Together, we’ll carve a trail that leaves others in awe – let’s ignite the explorer within you. See you on the road, fellow adventurer!
The thrill of discovery awaits you around every bend, and our experienced guides ensure your safety while never dampening the spirit of adventure.

Behind the Scenes.

Meet Juan.

Experienced adventurer, explorer and entrepreneur, with many years of adventure creation, exploration experiences and business development. He has created several adventures in various continents in the past years, exploring Morocco, traveling through the center and south of Mexico, crossing trough Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, adding a few more adventures in Portugal.

Juan has been behind numerous successful projects and companies, predominantly in the tech, finance and real estate sectors. His journey has taken him through the intricate maze of business decision-making, where he’s led teams, managed projects, forged lasting connections, and navigated the internal intricacies of business, from operations and logistics.

Juan’s current activity is mainly focused in experience curation, real estate property management, food and beverage manufacturing.
